PPT is a bad word in the Event Industry. But it fetches business. Almost half of our careers are spent in scratching our heads as to which word to use in the 4th line of the 35th slide. After a lot of brainstorming and seat warming, when we trundle to the client’s office for that Big Pitch – struggling to meet deadlines and still punching in ideas minutes before the meeting – the moment of truth dawns. Either we make or break the pitch.
It is not just beautiful ideas and competitive costs which make a pitch. It is the ‘presentation’ of the ideas which is equally important. How much effort and thinking has gone into it, have you been lazy or worked hard around it?
What makes a good PPT? Ask yourself the basic questions:
- Is your PPT well structured or haphazard?
- Are the thoughts flowing in logical sequence?
- Is it equipped with relevant visuals and designs?
- Is it too short or too long?
- Does it have relevant content explained clearly?
….and the list goes on.
Why is it important to have a good Powerpoint?
- Simply because a good PPT is quite influential in getting an entry into the consideration set of your potential client while he is shortlisting his choice of agencies.
- The Powerpoint is the first impression you portray about your company, its values, its thinking abilities. The neatness of your slides tells a lot about how your company executes the event. The clarity talks about the planning skills. The brevity depicts the efficiency.
I hear even senior client servicing lament about writing Powerpoints– because they don’t enjoy it. The key is to get excited about the whole thing. The good news is it can actually be a fun process. About time we punch in the ‘power’ in the powerpoint.
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